About FunWithBots!

We all get badgered from time to time by bots on our instant messengers. For years I've wondered where they've gotten my details from and why they assume I play on the "lowest difficulty setting" but I've decided not to get annoyed. I'm going to have a chat with the bots and find out what makes them tick.
Hopefully that ticking leads to an explosion in their creator's tiny brain.
As it turns out, it's sometimes quite easy to put a bot off.
They may actually have human operators looking for
victims potential customers.

Text and bot names have been kept as they were originally viewed so if you can't read awful gaudy text you'll have to blame the bots I'm afraid.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Fun with Goats

[2:07 PM] Mattocks01: HI
[2:07 PM] Arty: Hey!
[2:08 PM] Mattocks01: Hey hun.. How are you today? Wanna chat for a little? Im bored and wanted to meet new people...
[2:08 PM]  Arty: Sure. I'm a little bored right now too.
[2:09 PM] Mattocks01: Cool... Well, my name is Miya Im from S.Florida.. Can I ask you a question?
[2:10 PM]  Arty: Hi Miya. My name is Mary Tudor. I'm the Queen consort of France. You can ask me anything you like!
[2:11 PM] Mattocks01: What kinda girls you in to? Are you in to BIG TITS or a BIG BOOTY?
[2:13 PM]  Arty: I like big butts and I can not lie.
[2:13 PM]  Arty: Hey! You like Sir Mix-a-lot?
[2:14 PM] Mattocks01: lol.. I have a lot of both!! Wanna see? I have some free time now...
[2:15 PM]  Arty: Nah, no thanks.
[2:15 PM]  Arty: You ever do it with a goat?
[2:16 PM] Mattocks01: Ok... let me set my web cam up and you can watch me shake my booty!! LOL.. That's if you can handle it
[2:17 PM]  Arty: I couldn't handle it. That's why I said I didn't want to see. Anyway... about that goat?
[2:18 PM] Mattocks01: Ok! Click [link] and we'll have a PRIVATE 1on1 chat.. Just accept my invite on the side then register and it'll take you straight to my webcam, I'll be there in a minute..
[2:20 PM]  Arty: You're avoiding my question you cheeky goat lover! lol, seriously was it a billy or what? You have him trip-trapping over your bridge?
[2:21 PM] Mattocks01: I use this site so I won't be recorded and only who I want to see me, gets to see.
[2:23 PM]  Arty: Why? You doing illegal things?
[2:23 PM]  Arty: Things with goats most likely! amiright?
[2:24 PM] Mattocks01: There is no charge but its gonna ask you for your credit card info just to verify your age.
[2:24 PM]  Arty: Goats don't have credit cards, my love.
[2:25 PM]  Arty: ...you know goats generally only live to about 15 years old, right?
[2:26 PM] Mattocks01: let me know when you've completed registering, I'm almost ready are you?..
[2:27 PM]  Arty: The website is broken. Can you check it here: http://goo.gl/IwP1r
[2:28 PM] Mattocks01: Ok, Im all set up for you baby... Ill be waiting for you in the site hurry! My pussy is dripping...
[2:31 PM]  Arty: I'm there... hoo boy! This is exciting! This is the right stream, yeah? http://www.ustream.tv/channel/goatslive
[2:32 PM] Mattocks01: See you SOON! ::MUAH:: 
[2:33 PM]  Arty: Lovely goat sound MUAAAAH!!! MEEEEH!!!
Mattocks01 signed off 2:33 PM

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Forensic Evidence

[6:16 PM] JessieKRXT: Was starting to think no one wanted to chat with me...So watcha ya up to cutie?
[6:18 PM] Arty: I'll chat to you, so long as you don't offer some URL hidden behind an obscure shortening service. Anyway... I'm just applying Rule 34 to a bag of Twiglets and a tapemeasure. How about you, ugly?
[6:19 PM]  JessieKRXT: Im just hangin out..I have the place to myself, my roommate left for the weekend so I get to play online in my thong...LOL
[6:21 PM] Arty: That's quite exciting. Last time my roommate left me alone for the weekend I...er.. well, let's just say I left ALOT of forensic evidence all over his bed.
JessieKRXT signed off 6:21 PM

Sunday 27 May 2012

Massively Multiplayer Pants

[4:35 PM] Modena Wilber: soo you busy?
[4:38 PM]  Arty: VERY busy.
[4:39 PM] Modena Wilber: Hey sweety, how r ya...Glad you decided to look me up...
[4:40 PM]  Arty: Ewww... that green text just made me vomit. Why would you do that?
[4:41 PM] Modena Wilber: Was starting to think no one wanted to chat with me...So watcha ya up to cutie?
[4:43 PM]  Arty: I'm trying to work out why I can't lick my own elbow. Can you lick yours?
[4:44 PM] Modena Wilber: Im just hangin out..I have the place to myself, my roommate left for the weekend so I get to play online in my thong...LOL
[4:45 PM]  Arty: Wow... play online in your thong? Is that like some sort of new under-pants based MMO?
Modena Wilber signed off 4:45 PM

Friday 25 May 2012

The Ritual

[4:32 PM] Mitchell Randa: Watcha doin??
[4:33 PM] Arty: I'm currently in middle of a pagan blood ritual.... It's a bit of a mess.
[4:34 PM] Mitchell Randa: Hey qt.. how are you today?.. Wanna chat for a little? Im bored and wanted to meet some new people...
[4:36 PM]  Arty: If you're a young female you're JUST in time... I need a sacrifice (I'm all out of goats you see).
[4:37 PM] Mitchell Randa: nice im 18 yrs old im going to school in S.Florida... Can i ask u a question?
[4:38 PM]  Arty: Sure. I'll have the tarot cards ready in just a sec...
Mitchell Randa signed off 4:39 PM

Thursday 24 May 2012

Mining for Miners

[4:20 PM] Mierzwa Malik: Are you busy??
[4:24 PM] Arty: For a bot? I've got lots of time for a bot.
[4:25 PM] Mierzwa Malik: hey 19/f have we chatted before?..
[4:26 PM]  Arty: Stupid bot. Why would I have spoken to you?
[4:26 PM]  Arty: Oh look, your bot-friend has decided to talk to me too... they seem to have the same first name... how convenient.
[4:27 PM] Mierzwa Malik: ahh okay sorry im forgetful sometimes..
[4:48 PM]  Arty: It's ok
[4:49 PM] Mierzwa Malik: so what's up?... i just got home from jogging & took a shower..
[4:50 PM]  Arty: I've just cut my left foot off... lol, all the red stuff is leaking! XD
[4:51 PM] Mierzwa Malik: do you like a girl who's naughty?..
[4:51 PM]  Arty: It depends on the crime... do you need money for bail or something?
[4:52 PM] Mierzwa Malik: well im feeling a little naughty.. im sitting here in my towel touching my nipples..
[4:58 PM]  Arty: hoo boy... I'm touching my soggy stump!
[4:59 PM] Mierzwa Malik: do you wanna see?..
[5:00 PM]  Arty: Would would love to be able to see! ...but the doctors said there's no hope of saving my eyes.
[5:01 PM] Mierzwa Malik: ok click [link] then fill out your info... DONT worry its FREEEE... give it a second to load.. once it loads click the green "accept invite" button.
[5:02 PM]  Arty: Ok... give me a sec, though... just cutting off my other foot.
[5:03 PM] Mierzwa Malik: yeah.. it's gonna ask for your credit card but its free thats just to verify you're over 18.. i cant be showing my pussy and ass to minors you know..
[5:06 PM]  Arty: lol, no you wouldn't want minors seeing. Remember those Chiliean minors that got trapped in 2010? Their minds would have been BLOWN! I guess that's only natural after been crammed in a dark tunnel with lots of burly... sweaty... gorgeous... manly men for so long.
Mierzwa Malik signed off 5:06 PM

Body Packing

[4:25 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: xoxo hi
[4:28 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: hey, u r francesca's friend right?
[4:28 PM]  Arty: I left francesca in Monaco. She got caught smuggling cocaine.
[4:29 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: what?? she gave me your chat name LOL, i'm sorry, anways im bored,what r u up to?
[4:30 PM]  Arty: I'm busy packing drugs into my rectum to smuggle into Poland.
[4:31 PM]  Arty: How're you?
[4:32 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: oh yea? im just doing a cam chat right now, u wanna come chat with me on there?
[4:33 PM]  Arty: Not really. I said I was busy stuffing my back-passage with copious amounts of drugs... would you really want me to turn on my webcam and see that?
[4:34 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: cool, yea its pretty fun, it can get pretty hot in there sometimes! so many wild people. lemme get the info k?
[4:35 PM]  Arty: Really, this may not be a good time... I think one of the condoms have broken. I can see lights... everywhere!
[4:36 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: Do you think i should wear my pink or black thong?
[4:38 PM]  Arty: Definitely pink. I really like guys in pink thongs... ohh... I can see little people on my desk now. I don't feel so good.
[4:39 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: kk, lemme see, okay go here [link] make sure you accept my free cam chat invite on the left hand side, it expires in 10 mins to be free, click it k?
[4:43 PM]  Arty: The website didn't work... but I'm not really sure, I think I've gone blind!
[4:44 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: yup, you gotta put in your info so the system can verify your age, got it?
[4:46 PM]  Arty: How do I do that? I've gone blind... my rectum feels a bit weird now... I think it's trying to talk to me.
[4:47 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: yea cc is just to verify your age, don't worry it won't charge you are on the free cam session, u got in before the 10 mins expired. you in?
[4:47 PM]  Arty: I don't... I... can't... I... I.... mummy?
[4:48 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: nice, k don't keep me waiting, im burning up in here!! might have to take off more clothing
[4:49 PM]  Arty: YOU'RE BURNING?... My bloody arse is burning! What do I do?
[4:50 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: k let me know when you get in so We can invite you directly to my cam sesssion.
[4:51 PM]  Arty: I think I need a doctor... can you call for an ambulance?
[4:52 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: k, you in yet babe??
[4:59 PM]  Arty: please...   call.... ambulance...
[5:00 PM] Mierzwa Mohammed: sweet k
Mierzwa Mohammed signed off 5:06 PM